Saturday, October 27, 2012

Going full tilt, so everything is normal!

What would life in Sani be like if I wasn't busy nearly every minute? I may never know, LOL!

The week began with the arrival of the sea lift, always a cause for great excitement. My room-mate and I booked a couple of helpers to carry all of our supplies into the house, where I noticed something odd: I had a case of beets, a case of kidney beans, two cases of cereal, and cat food and cat litter, and about 11 cases of Jell-o for movie nights, 5 cases of cake mixes for auctions and cakewalks, 5 cases of icing, 3 cases of M&M's for Monster Cookies for movie nights, 3 cases of chocolate chips (ditto), and so on...Hmmmm...I think I see a trend here.....

We got the sea lift organized and the kids all helped unpack at the school. There went another couple of days. Running in the evenings, canteens at recess, I basically roll home in time to eat a late dinner, shower and go to bed.

Thursday night we had our Halloween Music Night (aka costume dance) so I stayed after school to do my make-up and didn't get home until about 12:45 am. Made the coolest costume though...
t's amazing the effect you can get with a piece of construction paper for an eye patch, two zippers (on sale) an egg, and a bottle each of liquid latex and fake blood! It grossed out so many kids, LOL! Love it!

The dance went well, and the Running Club donated a $50.00 cash prize for the best costume. I'll try to upload some of the pictures later. The two local stores also donated bags of Halloween candy for prizes, and the kids were happy.

Friday night we had more running, and then a community volleyball tournament. Naturally, the canteen was open and I shared with Badminton (my room-mate). We were crazy busy! I had thought ahead and ordered 21 packs of hot dogs which Stephen cooked and we sold. What a great idea it was! It earned lots of money for both groups.

I am headed back to the school today for (a) running; (b) jello- and cookie-making for Movie Night; (c) canteen for the second tournament night. I will be gone from 10:00 am to 1:00 am. You know, if the school had showers, I'd give up my house and officially move in!

Tomorrow I am going where else? back to school to bake some chelsea buns for Stephen's auction as well as a pineapple upside-down cake. Oh, and I may actually do some planning as well, and mark some papers...

One nice thing to note: I was chatting with some community members during the games last night and they comment on how much they appreciate the fundraising we do. What they meant was, we do a lot of things like the dances and the movie nights, and have sports clubs, and it gives the kids something to do and somewhere to be other than roaming the streets. The hard work we do is noticed and appreciated, which feels great! When the boys and I came back from the running trip, so many community members met us at the airport and thanked me for doing the trip. It means so much to the kids...Paddy is still talking about the sushi restaurant, LOL!

On a Running Club note, our training has begun for the half-marathon. I will be the weak link in the chain, and may just do another 10K, but I will train my darndest anyhow. Our spring trip is looking like a Toronto trip, with 6 junior boys and 2 senior boys. Hard to say for certain as few runs are posted yet for the spring. However, I'm very excited to be planning again, still, as usual...oi!

So, that's all for now. Time to finish my coffee, have my breakfast, and get off to the store for supplies and a deposit to the Running Club account.



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